Cere­als + Millet

also out of cer­ti­fied orga­nic Production

Who­le­sa­le grain orga­nic or conventional.

Here you will find a sel­ec­tion of the cere­al spe­cial­ties we trade in

In addi­ti­on to all clas­sic cere­als, we trade in a num­ber of spe­cial raw mate­ri­als. You will find a sel­ec­tion here.

You can’t find what you are loo­king for? Then cont­act us.


We trade spelt in the husk or hul­led from all nen­nes­wer­ten cul­ti­va­ti­on are­as and around the glo­be. Whe­ther regio­nal and / or from orga­nic pro­duc­tion, Cana­da or Eas­tern Euro­pe – We source from audi­ted sources, from long-term partners.



Dinkel im Spelz

Emmer is still a niche pro­duct today. Here, plan­ning is nee­ded for a relia­ble sup­p­ly. We help with this – whe­ther cul­ti­va­ti­on plan­ning or stra­te­gic procurement.





Ein­korn we trade exclu­si­ve­ly in orga­nic qua­li­ty from Euro­pean ori­g­ins. It is also important to design and imple­ment pro­jects tog­e­ther with pro­ces­sing and agri­cul­tu­re. We accom­pa­ny both sides here, so that ever­yo­ne can con­cen­tra­te on their main tasks.

Einkorn im Spelz

Oats, glu­ten­free


Glu­ten-free pro­duc­tion and sup­p­ly chain is more dif­fi­cult than it looks at first glan­ce. Anyo­ne who works with it pro­fes­sio­nal­ly knows exact­ly what we are tal­king about. Here we have many years of pro­jects and the know-how. Relia­bi­li­ty and smooth pro­ces­ses are our strengths.

Nacked Oats

No mat­ter whe­ther orga­nic pro­duc­tion or con­ven­tio­nal. Here, the rule is: first sam­ple – then deci­de. The requi­re­ment pro­files can be very dif­fe­rent. We help with mar­ke­ting and pro­cu­re­ment in equal measure.


Dark or Black Oats


Often pro­du­ced and pro­ces­sed regio­nal­ly, yet black oats always hold sur­pri­ses in sales and pro­cu­re­ment. We trade black oats from all over Europe.

Wheat with spe­cial specifications

Wheat is known, but depen­ding on the har­ve­st, it can also be very spe­cial wheat:

High pro­te­in wheat in orga­nic qua­li­ty with tracea­bi­li­ty, puri­fied for pops, flakes or spe­cial mil­ling qualities.

Due to our net­wor­king, we have a very quick over­view of the har­ve­st qua­li­ties or the supra-regio­nal pro­ces­sing needs.

What is too small, too spe­cial for the “big ones” is just right for us.

Weizen (3)


Hirse geschält

Mil­let is a crop that has been used for thou­sands of years with gro­wing poten­ti­al in cli­ma­te change.

We have been con­tract far­ming yel­low mil­let for baby food for a long time. Here, the hig­hest demands are made on the trade chain and processing.

Abso­lu­te trans­pa­ren­cy, annu­al audits ensu­re our cus­to­mers relia­ble sup­p­ly at the hig­hest qua­li­ty level.




So far, our pro­cu­re­ment is usual­ly focu­sed on third coun­try origins.

Howe­ver, we would like to actively accom­pa­ny the vegan move­ment on the raw mate­ri­al level and are the­r­e­fo­re loo­king for part­ners in pro­ces­sing as well as pos­si­ble pro­duc­tion of chick­peas from Euro­pean origin.


Yes we need more Inforamtion. 

We are

Smooth pro­cess /Procedere

You pro­ba­b­ly know this from many Inter­net sites:

“We can do (almost) everything”.

We do not pro­mi­se that!

But what we pro­mi­se – we keep, and our cus­to­mers may mea­su­re us on that!

Our top pro­duct is cal­led: opti­mal service.

Behind this are smooth, trans­pa­rent pro­ces­ses that crea­te trust and security.

Schiffsverladung_Hanau 043

Cos­ts / Pri­ces / Transparency

We act open­ly and fair­ly, give tips, inform and are always loo­king for the per­fect balan­ce bet­ween money and letter.

“A good deal is when all par­ties invol­ved see it exact­ly that way”.

Whe­ther far­mer or pro­ces­sor – All are in dai­ly competition.

The more you can con­cen­tra­te on your main tasks, the more suc­cessful you are – we do the rest.


Your Cont­act Klaus Bergmann







Berg­mann GmbH
Schil­ler­stra­ße 1
D‑63796 Kahl am Main







Berg­mann GmbH
Schil­ler­stra­ße 1
D‑63796 Kahl am Main