The new website underlines our focus on our key business areas.
We are active in grain wholesale throughout Europe, buying and selling organic grain as well as grain from conventional production. Oilseeds and special feed additives are also part of our portfolio. For this reason, we already updated the content of our Internet presence, including the company logo, in 2009.
This resulted in the new corporate image, which, together with the company name, reflects the corporate philosophy of Bergmann GmbH.
As a link in wholesale and foreign trade between production and processing, it is our task to meet the requirements of the market on the one hand and compatible and sustainable agriculture on the other.
Honesty, reliability and transparency are our basis for successful and long-lasting relationships with our customers.
The quality of our products and services is an expression of our appreciation and responsibility towards the people who, as end consumers, customers, farmers, partners and service providers, form the basis for the company’s success.
Through our role as a marketer, we see ourselves in the task of encouraging farmers to provide market- and customer-oriented products or services.
The goals of conventional as well as organic farming, protection of the environment, careful use of resources and the provision of healthy food form the guidelines of our company.