Oilseed trade organic, but also conventional
Oilseeds are a very specialized area with often very specific requirements. Our customers have needs for premium products such as oils and cakes.
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The cultivation of sunflower seed has been growing again in Europe for several years. The variety is great and the demands of the processors are varied.
We buy and sell all varieties of the seed, also from organic production. Especially black sunflower seed linoleic records growing demand.
Whether striped or black sunflower seeds – we source seeds from all over Europe individually according to customer specification, sample or trial delivery. We always help to find the right quality.
Try it out!
Hemp cultivation could experience a renaissance, because due to the increasing CO² problem, ecological insulating materials, among which hemp is one, are gaining in importance. Hemp offers therefore beside its seed in various products also the utilization of its fibers.
We are the contact for seeds and help in the utilization of hemp fibers.

Camelina sativa

Camelina is a product that is either sought after or simply never wanted. Therefore, we recommend processors and producers to use contract farming as a minimum safeguard for the majority of planned quantities.
We are happy to help with this.
Flaxseed, golden or brown
Linseed is very much subject to regional influences in terms of taste and ingredients. Particularly in the dietary sector, the high requirements represent a hurdle for certain regions.
Also, climate change often requires diversification in the procurement of processors.
If necessary, we can show you optional possibilities.

Soybeans, soybean meal GMO free

We trade exclusively European origins.
Soybean meal LP or HP loose from 25 tons batches we trade at daily rates.
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